Newcastle Tutor Company helps people to prepare for City and Guilds functional skills exams. The City and Guilds Functional Skills exam offered by MME is one of the exam board options that they provide. Affectively, the City and Guilds exam is very similar to that of the other exam boards that MME provide, covering very similar course content in both Maths and English. The key difference with the City and Guilds Functional Skills exam is that it has the City and Guilds name, and you made need a City and Guilds qualification specifically or you may just prefer it. MME again offers 2 levels of qualification with both Maths and English, level 1 and level 2, so you can pick which exam to suit your needs. This exam is also sat online with an invigilator, meaning you will be connected to a call on your computer with an invigilator, who will help set you up on your exam and monitor you as you take it.
In order to help you prepare yourself for your City and Guilds Functional Skills exams, we have collected a supply of past papers to help you revise off of, with the help of our partners at MME, free of charge. These papers are free for you to use as you see fit, and generally follow the same pattern of questions that will appear in your actual exam so you can get a feel of what the questions are going to be like. Over 20 past papers are available for you to use, varying in subject and level.
The past papers that MME have provided us with, along with other services, prove to be excellent tools to assist you in your revision and to help you pass your City and Guilds Functional Skills exam.